Saturday, August 31, 2019

Conventional Books vs E-Book

As past times go, there's little that is more old-fashioned, quiet and basic as reading a book. Or, at least, that used to be the case. But with the competitive flood of electronic readers, or e-readers, hitting the market as well as e-reader applications for smartphones, the reading experience has been getting a progressively modern makeover. The stats are in and the fight is on. Overall book sales have dropped in 2008 and 2009, according to the American Association of Publishers (AAP).While adult hardcover books actually increased by over 6% in 2009, eBook sales, which account for 4% of all book sales, have increased a whopping 176%. Are these figures telling the tale of the tape as the publishing industry struggles to regain their status as a recession proof industry? Are eBooks on their way to eliminating traditional books altogether? Most of us love to read and most of us have our preferences for the platform we read from. Will you be a traditionalist and stand behind the old gu ard?Bill McCoy,  executive director  of International Digital Publishing Forum, based in Seattle,  Washington,  said that while it's hard to gauge just how the sale of digital books (e-books) is growing, it's clear that the sales, as a percentage of the overall market, are in the double digits â€Å"and on a fast-growing vector†. â€Å"Amazon is saying that they're selling more e-books than hardcover books. And in many cases, depending on the title, they might be selling more e-books than physical books. † A relatively new phenomenon is that e-reader, be it Kindle, ipad or a number of other new competitors coming into the marketplace.When we think about our environment, these devices seem to be more environmentally friendly than our typical paper and cardboard book, even a paperback. There are certain tactile to real book, just feeling the paper, turning the pages. But on the surfaces, the e-reader would seem to be much greener. E-reader vs. conventional book i s a provocative question. Actually, right now, there are some major problems with conventional book publishing, of which you should be aware, if your goal is to get this community to acquire and then to issue your work.The first one is distribution through bookstores has never been tougher. Most publishers sell to stores on consignment. If books don't fly off shelves into the hands of buyers, they're returned to publishers, very quickly. Your title doesn't get very long exposure or time to establish itself. Other than that, books used to be kept â€Å"in print† and available for longer periods of time, in many cases, for years. Now, they're put to death quickly, if initial sales are anything other than brisk. Besides that, we live in an era of the celebrity book.If Oprah wants to write a diet book, it will be a monster hit; you know that. But the most exciting, up and coming, highly credentialed nutritionist may not have a chance of breaking into print. Next, publishers expec t authors to make them profitable through personal promotional efforts. â€Å"What are you going to do to sell this book? † is the major question they ask, and agents will tell you, without a personal commitment to sell your own copies, stated in your book proposal, you won't get a publisher to bite. Otherwise, publishers are clueless, themselves, about what to put out there.Reluctant to lead, and reluctant to follow the success of others, they are like the proverbial deer in the headlights. It used to be the case that if you wanted information on a subject you either went to your library or to your local bookstore. Not anymore. By going to the Internet, you can assemble the equivalent of a book, fast and more or less, for free. Publishers haven't figured out how to sell content at a premium, in an environment in which so much of it is available, instantly, for nothing. There are alternatives to conventional book publishing, including self-publishing and using media alternati ves such as audios and videos.A regular book is better. Not only is it more reliable and you don't have to worry about it dying, but there is just something special about feeling the smooth front cover and the rough edges of the thick, coarse pieces of paper that have been read by so many. If you get an e-book you click, download, and read. There's nothing like the feeling of finishing a really good book. You want to share it with someone! You can't share an e-book. E-books are really only good for travel. Most of the people refuse e-books either but prefers reading conventional books.Readers like to read in bed so it's easier the conventional way; they always find it's easier on the eye to read a conventional book. It seems that our eyes feel more tired for reading e-book. Reading in the internet really hurts people's eyes. Anyway, we should protect our eyes. There are people who read both but by far prefer a real book. In the technology era, there are some advantages and bright fu ture for e-book. The first one is from the finding the book from the bookshelf. Depending on how many books readers have, and how organized they are, this can be a fairly daunting task for traditional books.Some people used to have organized the books by the name of author, type of the books or alphabetically by title. That fell by the wayside the last time they moved. While they arranged it, they are completely random within the way they organized. That may not sound like trouble, but for someone who has a lot of books, for instance, it can make any one book tricky to find. While searching for a book on the virtual bookshelves within the e-book application is only slightly easier. Using e-book application, making it easy to find a book by typing the title, by author or by how frequently people read the book.Secondly is travelling with books. Some people used to travel a lot and it was all they could do to fill the boredom of those long journeys with reading. It meant readers had to bring a lot of books with them, which weighed down their luggage. Travelling with e-books is something that they call heaven. They can close to 200 books and 30 or 40 magazines on their e-book application. The traditional books stack lot of kilograms but then using the e-book just only a few grams. From this side, people more prefer to using e-book rather than conventional books.In many circumstances, reading an e-book is far superior to reading a traditional paper book. Firstly, the portability of e-book. The wonderful thing about electronic text is that it takes up virtually no room, in both a physical and digital sense. If readers have a storage card, they can walk around with at least a dozen books, and probably many more than that. Even if they don't have a storage card, they can still walk around with a fair collection of three to six books (again, depending on book size and available memory). In many situations it's hard to carry even one book around with people.The storage abilities of most e-books allow readers to carry a reasonable collection of reading materials and/or reference texts. Because they probably carry their handheld around with them everywhere anyway, the convenience factor increases nearly exponentially. Because e-book is digital, not only are they super-portable, but they also open up the possibility for some really useful features. For starters, since most e-book is in some form of digital text file, readers can search the text for words or phrases. This is helpful when readers want to find a quote or another specific section of the book.This can cut minutes, if not hours, off of wild goose chases for particular passages. Additionally, digital formats are assuming copy protection doesn't get in the way that can be duplicated forever without decay or any real expense. We'll dig deeper into the specifics of this issue later in the series, but if the e-book allows it, this duplication ability can make it possible for people to share boo ks with their friends without ever having to actually give up one of their possessions. This is good for publishers (and hopefully writers as well), who don't have to pay any production costs.This in turn should drive the prices down for the readers. While the digital nature of the e-book in theory raises the effectiveness of e-book, it also brings up a few ideas that are interesting and worth perusing in this series. E-book also easy to be read. The electronic format offers readers even more benefits over traditional paper books. E-book can be read in a variety of lighting situations, and due to the back lighted screens that most palm computers have, people can read an e-book in most low or no light situations, such as on the subway, during nighttime road trips, or in bed when they don't want to disturb their partner.Advantages of conventional books over electronic is resale value. Like music downloads, people will never actually be able to resell electronic books. If they are into collectable books, this is a particularly big problem and they should only use physical titles. Reading ease is also one of the advantages of conventional books. This one is only really a benefit for those that would otherwise read e-book on their computers or phones. If readers buy a commercial e-reader, it will probably use ink technology that will not hurt their eyes with backlight.Never the less, readers don’t need to worry about this problem with a physical book. Other than that, no devices needed. If readers find themselves in a small town without their cell phone or computer, they won’t be able to download a new title for your e-book, but they can always stop by a local bookstore and pick up a new paperback. Conventional books have no batteries. While most readers have a good battery life, there will still be times where readers forget to charge it and then can’t read at all. Readers will never have this problem with a standard book.No warranties needed when readers choosing conventional books. If their e-reader breaks, they will have nothing to read until they receive a new one. Some devices let them read the titles they have saved on their computer, but it’s just something readers will never have to worry about with a physical book. Best of all, if a book does get damaged to where people can't read it, they can just go to the bookstore and buy another copy, rather than worrying if it is still covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. Next is tradition.Let’s face it; people are never going to get that comforting smell of paper or the weight of a good book in their hands when they read an e-book. And while people can flip ahead in an e-book, readers can’t do so in a matter of seconds and flip right back to the page. Amazon recently announced that its June 2010 Kindle e-book sales nearly doubled its hardcover book sales (180% higher). Many of those e-books were self-published books priced under a dollar; ho wever, data indicates e-books may become the dominant long-form format in not too many years.Are low-overhead e-books better for authors or publishers than their print counterparts? Forrester Research says retailers will sell 6. 6 million e-readers in 2010. Apple has already sold 3 million iPads, which are capable of reading Amazon Kindle e-books as well as Apple's iBooks. At average prices, one would need to buy 15 e-books to offset the $189 price tag of a Kindle, 12 e-books to pay off a $149 Barnes and Noble Nook, and 39 e-books to justify a $499 entry-level iPad (assuming price is the only factor).E-books are up 200% from 2009, according to the Association of American Publishers; however, they still only represent 3-5% of total sales for publishers, according to the New York Times. Hardcover books are also up 40% since 2009, indicating that while e-books are undoubtedly a big part of the future of long-form publishing, people will still be turning paper pages for a while. (Source s:  PrintingChoice,  NYTimes) The tactile pleasure of worn pages between reader’s fingers is hard to replace. But when it comes to encouraging people to embrace the written word,  e-readers  trump their physical counterparts.According to the infographic below, people who own e-book devices say they read more than people who don’t, at a rate of 24 books per year to 15. Education, escape, relaxation and entertainment rank as people’s main motivations to plow through books — proving that, whether electronically or via dead tree, reading remains a popular pastime. E-readers are also rising in popularity, signaling that it may not be impossible to imagine a world without traditional books sometime in the not-so-distant future. From December 2011 to January 2012, e-reader ownership nearly  doubled, from 10 percent to 19 percent, among American adults.And that stunning surge in just one month’s time doesn’t even account for  tablets   or other mobile electronic devices people use to read books and long form content. Worldwide, meanwhile, e-reader sales rose by nearly 3 million between 2010 and 2011. It’s also interesting to look at the relationship between actual e-book consumption and ownership of a device that enables users to read books electronically. According to one study, 29% of American adults own a personal e-book device, tablets included. But just 21% of adults had actually read an  e-book  in the past year as of February 2012.It'll be interesting to see if and when experiments on the potential impacts of e-readers on memory and cognition are done, as the market has definitely reached a point of no return in terms of moving away from printed pages. Stephanie Mantello, senior public relations manager of the Kindle group at Amazon. com, gave answers that didn't include specifics, but implied massive  quantities. For instance, when asked how many  Kindles the company has sold since the produ ct was first introduced in 2008, Mantello simply said, â€Å"Millions. Millions of people are reading on Kindle.Kindle is also the best-selling product in the history of Amazon. com. † It is the most-wished for on the â€Å"wish list† function account holders have on the company's site. It's given as a gift more often than any other single product. It has the most 5-star reviews. She did say that between April 1 and May 19, for every 100 print books the company sold, it sold 105 Kindle books. â€Å"This includes sales of hardcover and paperback books by Amazon where there is no Kindle edition. Free Kindle books are excluded, and, if included, would make the number even higher,† said Mantello.The reasons for the slow acceptance of e-books vary but a constant reason given was not being comfortable with reading using personal computers, laptops and palm pilots (Helfer, 2000; Andersen, 2001). Other reasons included: finding it difficult to read on small screens, pro blems with browser, slow loading time, difficulties in navigating (Gibbon, 2001; Chu, 2003); and preferring to read printed text (Ray and Day, 1998; Holmquist, 1997; Gibbon, 2001). Summerfield and Mandel (1999) indicated that library users at the University of Columbia would use e-book in some depth when they are required to do so by courses they are following.The studies above indicated that the degree of acceptance of e-book is on the rise but the preference for printed text remained. A high percentage of students indicated that they used e-book because it was available online (64. 2%), provided faster and easy access to new titles (45. 7%) and did not require physical visit to the library (40. 7%) (Table 1). Bodomo†¦et al’s (2003) respondents gave similar answers and his respondents recognized that digital libraries were very convenient since they did not need to go to libraries and could still read and download books or journals from home.Similarly, Chu (2003) also r eported that â€Å"available around the clock† and â€Å"searchable† were valued the most by students at a library and information science schools in the USA. Table 1: Reasons for Using or Not Using e-book Table 1 (b) shows that almost half (45. 6%) of the non-users indicate preference for paper format as a barrier for them from using e-books service. Holmquist (1997) found that the main reason for his respondents’ non-use of e-journals was their preference to read articles on paper, not on the computer screen.Other non-users have mentioned factors such as little knowledge on how to use or access e-books, the print copy is convenient to use, the lack of Internet connection, difficulty in browsing and reading, having no interest, and perceiving the need for special software to be able to use e-book as being cumbersome. When the non-users were asked whether they would use the e-book in the future, only 30% (38) gave a definite â€Å"yes† while the majority (61%, 76) indicated â€Å"probably† or â€Å"not sure or â€Å"probably not†Ã¢â‚¬  (6%, 8; 2%, 2). While university students operate in a world immersed in digital text, they have not simultaneously abandoned print. It is not true, as Steve Jobs stated and as Nicholas Carr implied, that they like the iPad because they don’t read. In fact, for their university studies, students prefer to read on paper, although they also want the convenience of online digital text. † Cull, 2012 There is no doubt that new forms of publishing are becoming increasingly popular across the world. Their benefits are those that the traditional rinted book could never imagine to surpass, and they fill a gap in a rapidly increasing market of readers dictating portability and mass storage as necessary to the current lifestyle. However, evidence shows that readers are not entirely convinced that e-readers are books of the future. They have not caught on as other recent technology tr ends have, and the consistent theme of simulating e-readers to resemble traditional books, indicates that consumers are not prepared to relinquish the time-honored form for this new technology.As such, the chance of books becoming redundant or obsolete in the near future is improbable. â€Å"The history of communications media tells us that new media often do not replace old. At most, they redefine the purposes and functions of older media† (Cope & Kalantzis 2001:5). Of more value to consumers then, is a co-existence of the two, amalgamating the benefits of each to accommodate for the needs of all, rendering neither redundant nor obsolete.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Types of Racism

Racism should not be ignored. There are two types of racism in the world. The two types of racism are overt racism and institutional racism. â€Å"Overt racism, especially in its contribution to the racist impact of qualification requirements on blacks. † 1. Overt racism contributes to a social and residential segregation, thereby isolating blacks at every income level from white society. â€Å"As a result of overtly racist â€Å"last-hired, first fired† policies toward blacks and the favoring of whites for on-the-job training, many blacks have been unable to gain work experience, particularly special working skills. 2. Overt racist action is when harm is inflicted or a benefit withheld either because of the perpetrator†s racial bias against the victim or because the perpetuator is prejudice of others. Institutional racism is when a person or firm has a practice that is race-neutral but still has an adverse impact in blacks as a group. Institutional racism also reinforces future racism by contributing to the presence of blacks at the bottom of the employment level. â€Å"The adverse effect on blacks of these neutral practices also contributes to the perpetuation of racist attitudes. 3. Individuals growing up in a society where blacks are visibly predominant in the lowest jobs tend to believe that blacks naturally belong there. â€Å"Recent studies show that less-educated workers can be trained by employers for skilled positions that are frequently reserved for college graduates. † 4. Black academics were initially excluded by racist attitudes from many white departments. Whites who are no more productive than blacks will tend to receive a better payoff. â€Å"Whites have eleven times the wealth of blacks; one-third of all blacks have no major assets what so ver except for the cash that they have on hand. † 5. Blacks wanted to get rid of Jim Crow laws. Jim laws made blacks segregated from the white community. Blacks couldn†t use white facilities to buy products instead, blacks had to buy from their facilities. â€Å"A University of Chicago investigation showed that because of persistent prejudice suburban blacks are more likely to suffer segregation than other minorities of equal income and social status. † 6. There were other signs of racism in the past like the trading of blacks slaves from Africa. Blacks who didn†t want to be a slave either revolted against their masters or committed suicide. Masters were very harsh on the blacks. Masters would punish and beat the slaves for no reason. There were a lot of anti-racist role models that were heroes to the blacks. Rosa Parks was famous role model because she stood up for what she believed in. She sat in the bus seat not letting any white sit in her seat. Rosa Parks was arrested for that reason. Because of her actions that she took after she got out of jail, racial segregation became illegal. Elizabeth Eckford braved the angry white crowds by herself when she was the first black person to get accepted into Little Rock High, which was an all white school. Martin Luther king Jr. was another brave role model. Martin Luther King Jr. always made flights to states to help the community win over racial segregation. Martin Luther King Jr. always brought huge crowds wherever he made a speech. He made very inspiring speeches to the blacks, which gave them more courage to protest against the whites. Martin Luther King Jr. was probably the most inspiring person this century because he led the blacks to freedom. He is so inspiring that he will become a saint. Segregation started in the late 1980s even though slavery existed for more than two hundred years. Segregation laws were rapidly affecting blacks. More laws were made in the early 1900s because of the inspiration of Jim Crow laws. â€Å"During the second half of the 1980s, racial violence against blacks increased nationwide. In 1988, a white supremacist movement of violent skin-headed youths, whose weapons included knives, baseball bats, and their own steel-toed boots, sprang up spontaneously in cities throughout the nation. 7. This lowered the blacks courage to fight against the whites. â€Å"Many blacks are excluded by requirements for work experience because as students they have been barred from white schools where relevant training was available or had been denied work experience and training by prejudice supervisors and employers. â€Å"8. Blacks lack of personal connections to the job market, but it arises in large part from segregation created by overtly racist practices. â€Å"As job losers, blacks tend to move down to unskilled temporary work, or to no work at all. † 9. Since blacks can†t find good jobs, they usually make the community bad by stealing and joining gangs to keep themselves alive. â€Å"It is still true that the more disagreeable the job, the greater the chance of finding a high proportion of blacks doing it. † 10. Cities don†t know that they need to have better working conditions for blacks or they will have as much suffer as blacks do. â€Å"Hiring by personal connections also tends to keep blacks at the bottom of the occupational ladder. † 11. It keeps them down because blacks don†t have many connections to people who own a store. Blacks felt the racist impact of such past hiring discrimination when, as less senior, they were less likely to gain work promotion and more likely to lose their jobs in economic recessions. † 12. Whites have been the first in line for hiring, training, promotion, and desirable job positions because of racism. White people either have been responsible for racism or have passively benefited from it. Since there are firms that don†t hire blacks in very low wages, white people have to either take the jobs and get low payment and bad working conditions, or don†t take the job and don†t get anything to help the community that the job provides. The whites also benefited from racism. Whites tend to get more promotions because there are no black competitions. Whites also benefited from housing discrimination where racism was strong. There have been a lot of cases of mass murders in a county. There was a case where, in one summer, eighty blacks have been beaten, thirty-five shot, five murdered, and more that twenty churches burnt down by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Most KKK members usually got away for the murders and damages they committed. KKK members only started getting accused after segregation became illegal. But still, only blacks who were brutally murdered had a trial against the KKK. KKK groups are very confident about passing through a conviction. The KKK was always there where the black protesters were. They were there to intimidate them. They also wanted to start a fight whenever they had an opportunity too. â€Å"The isolation of blacks from white society is also sustained by widespread racist attitudes that exclude blacks from white clubs and social circles where networks leading to jobs are formed. † 13. Blacks not only suffer from discrimination but being isolated from a white community. Blacks lack personal connections to residents of all-white suburbs where many new jobs have been created. † 14. The adverse effect on blacks is exacerbated when suburban employers rely on walk-in applicants from these neighborhoods. â€Å"According to a 1981 study, black school districts in the black belt states receive less funding and inferior education by comparison with economically similar white districts, in a part as a result of local (white) decision making. † 15. White decision-making affects blacks a lot because the whites want to help their school funding more than the blacks school funding. The racism of government practices encouraged race discrimination by landlords who blocked the escape of blacks from ghettos, and by employers and unions who refused to hire, promote, or train them, as well as widespread communication of an insulting stereotype of blacks, derogatory to their ability and character. † 16. Because racist treatment of blacks in business and professional reduced family income, it hurt their sons and daughters. â€Å"Among these black parents injuries, they suffered discrimination policies of federal agencies in allocation of business loans, low-interest mortgages, agrarian price supporters, and government contracts. 17. There are a lot of different remedies for almost every issue involving racism. One of the reasons for avoiding racism is that blacks willingness to accept lower wages and adverse working conditions reduce labor†s bargaining power generally with management. â€Å"Although long-term black employees have the benefit of high sonority ranking, after the 1964 Civil Rights Act many continued to suffer the racist impact of departmental sonority arrangements. † 18. Under such arrangements, a worker who transfers from one department to another loses all sonority credit.   Because of programs that help families over racism, black children start to have more black role models, which creates more self-confidence. â€Å"Complaints can be lodged in a court or administration under title seven of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits such discrimination, and may be pursued against a firm or a union on behalf of an identifiable individual or group. † 19. Other ways of avoiding racism could be real dangerous. One way is to stand firm where there are firms who practice racism. Doing this would give blacks a chance to end racism in that firm. Blacks could move away if they feel too intimidated by the whites. â€Å"In some situations where blacks are notoriously scarce, the courts have approved â€Å"set-asides,† which unlike goals, reserve a specific number of positions for minorities only. † 20. They could also hold strikes against the government facilities so that they would stop the racism in the community. â€Å"Because blacks are disproportionately represented in the bottom-level positions, their personal recruitment tends to maintain occupational segregation. † 21. There are other things that help blacks like some programs that give shelter, food, clothing, and caring. One more way is to ignore the people who are intimidating you. Almost every remedy has its adverse effects. Complaint remedies could be deficient in a number of ways. â€Å"Since the complaint remedy requires proof of bias, it does not apply to institutional race-neutral policies. Yet qualification standards can be manipulated by prejudiced employers to exclude blacks, especially, as we have seen, vague personality standards.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Why was it is necessary to replace GATT 1947 what are the main Essay

Why was it is necessary to replace GATT 1947 what are the main differences between GATT 1947 and the WTO Do you think that the - Essay Example .................................................................... 5 Interim Commission for the International Trade Organisation (1947-1994).......5 Review Session (1950s)....................................................................................... 6 European Economic Community (EEC) (1957).................................................. 6 Multifibre Arrangements (MFA-I through MFA-IV).......................................... 6 The Uruguay Round (1993-1994)....................................................................... 8 Multilateral Investment Agreement (MIA) (1996)............................................... 9 U.S. Corporate Average Fuel Economy .............................................................. 9 Dispute Settlement Body (DSB)............................................................................10 WTO’s Articles III and IV.....................................................................................10 Converting GATT 1947 to WTO Introduction The GATT was formed by states with a decisive idea of the co-operation that was required to promote economic development and modernisation. Even though the idea required an International Trade Organisation (ITO), the GATT was also able to achieve the goals of the original participants.1 It was, to a certain extent, efficient trade-liberalising machinery. The removal of QRs by developed nations in the aftermath of World War II was confined under its control, and excise taxes were cut down considerably.2 Barriers to trade, as of the 1970s, in the form of quotas and tariffs had weakened radically in value3, and governments were beset by the trade-misleading features of other economic strategies. The first five decades of GATT’s existence has a close resemblance to a product’s lifecycle. In the beginning market growth is sluggish, as the public become used to it. This is pursued by a phase of drastic improvement of market productivity and share as the pro duct launches.4 In the developed or third phase, growth stabilises but profits remain elevated. In the last stage profits start to drop. Core marketing theory informs us that by the third phase a company had to create a new product in order to thrive and survive.5 In the case of GATT, the stages of take off and maturity took place in the 1950s and the 1960s.6 This was the time when the greatest development was accomplished in terms of trade liberalisation. The demand for the products of GATT had stabilised by the 1970s.7 An effort was made to branch out into new markets by moving to non-tariff barriers (NTB), but this move was not quite productive. Indecisive strategies were implemented to deal with trade-related national regulations, but development was sluggish.8 The GATT-1947, with the formation of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), was converted into an organisation, and its expanse was considerably enlarged.9 Hence, the important issues to be addressed here are: (1) why was it necessary to replace GATT 1947? (2) What are the main differences between GATT 1947 and the WTO? (3) Is WTO an improvement, if so, why? In addressing these issues it is helpful to analyse briefly several of the major developments that took place in the world economy in the twentieth century. From GATT 1947 to WTO GATT was not officially a global organisation, specifically, an official unit in its own right. GATT is an inter-governmental agreement. Hence, GATT had contracting participants rather than member states.10 This transformed with the formation of an international organisation that governs multilateral contracts concerning trade in goods, trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPs), and trade in services (GATS): the WTO.11 The different treaties governed by the WTO are between customs territories

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The contribution of partnerships in the promotion of global health Essay

The contribution of partnerships in the promotion of global health equality - Essay Example 3). This paper is therefore geared to discuss how partnerships have impacted global health equality by analysing the effective constituents of the partnerships and key strategic and policy drivers. In order for partnerships the health sector to work, there must be development of policies and strategies which govern most of their aspects. These policies are crafted for adoption at all levels of the organization and integrated within the strategic goals. When two partners come into an agreement or understanding, their cooperation of working together should be under the auspice of common goals and objectives. Alignment of goals and vision also requires have employees that have similar set of skills in order to address their common objectives. All these agreements between partners in partnerships should be carefully delineated under the strategies and policies that guide the working of healthcare organizations (Labontà © and Gagnon 2010, p. 8). Like in all organizations and companies that work within the public sphere, leadership and governance is an important aspect of partnerships. In matters pertaining to health equality strategies, there should be governance and leadership structures which enable accountability to be entrenched leading to compliance. Governance in this case alludes to the agreed modalities of decision making and sharing of authority or power is to be configured and organized. This should not only be left to the low levels of employees but also at the top so that concerns of health equality may be integrated within policies. This ensures that effective performance and management of activities within the health care system are streamlined and implemented easily. Both governance and leadership structures put in place should have the capabilities of mobilizing resources and stakeholders at the grass root levels. Such

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Reflect on the dicourses around the term 'terrorism within Australia Essay

Reflect on the dicourses around the term 'terrorism within Australia - Essay Example The word â€Å"us† identifies the Western society, which is believed to be under violent aggression from radical Islamic groups who are going against the ideals of liberty and democracy. In Australia, the bombing in Bali that happened nearly a year after the World Trade Center Bombing left Australian society with a picture and lay image of the word â€Å"terrorism†. When Australia passed its Anti-Terror Act of 2005, Australian Prime Minister John Howard (2002) ‘reaffirms Australia’s commitment to continue the war against terrorism in our region and in the rest of the world’. This of course went in line with the wishes and intent of the strong nations of the Western world led by the United States and the United Kingdom, in pursuit of freedom against terrorism. Therefore, this created a sort of world order wherein the Muslim world and supporters of radical Islamic terrorist elements are clearly distinguished as the opposite of the order. On the other s ide, the Western society reaffirms its stand for the democratic way of life and freedom. This is where the word â€Å"terrorism† plays as a catalyst. It should be first understood that terrorism denotes a sign of conflict or an act of war.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Edward Burtynsky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Edward Burtynsky - Essay Example His education shaped the skills that he already possessed as an artist, and helped him develop the techniques of photography that have captivated thousands through his snapshots. Burtynsky’s photography brings the discreet and hidden realities of human development to the public’s eye, and demands an appreciation and evaluation of man’s actions and their effects on nature (Burtynsky, 2009). He has a knack of capturing the most rudimentary and banal sites through his lens, and instilling art and finesse into those pictures (Burtynsky, 2009). His early work consists of the industrial landscape of General Motors plant in his city, which, according to him, evoked the passion for observing nature and capturing industrial development in his photos (Burtynsky, 2009). His exposure of the mining sites, recycling plants, industrial waste depots, and other such crass sites were hugely popular in Canada and elsewhere, so that very soon he became one of Canada’s most famous and respected photographers (Burtynsky, 2009). The highlight of his career and a major turning point was when he won the TED award in 2005 (TED, 2009). This led to the makin g of a documentary, called Manufactured Landscape, on the collection of his works of same title, and his life, in 2007 (TED, 2009). At the award ceremony, Burtynsky made three wishes related to the progress in his work, all of which, due to his immense influence and respect in the artworld, have been fulfilled (TED, 2009). He wished for a website to encourage children to think for their planet; the Meet The Greens website was developed (TED, 2009). He wished he would be able to film on Imax; that is currently in progress (TED, 2009).

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Personal Narrative 2 Essay-My Story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal Narrative 2 -My Story - Essay Example In the deepest recesses of my heart I believed that my infant was going to a good home. On the day of his birth, I summoned all the strength I could muster to resist the urge to hold my precious baby boy and to meet the new parents. Beyond a shadow of a doubt it would have been too hard for me if there was any contact. For this reason, even though I so badly wanted to say, â€Å"I love you† and to kiss him goodbye I let him disappear from my life with only the barest glance. The trauma of the pregnancy and the rigor of the decision-making left me with several health issues as a result I was in the hospital for one week after the delivery. On the seventh day a phone call came from the courthouse. In order to finalize the adoption my presence was needed. Perhaps this was the test of my mantle- the day was so hard and emotional for me and my mom, I distinctly remember my body shaking. The shaking was extremely uncontrollable to the point that I could not even sign my name to the papers. Nonetheless, the judge appeared to understand my plight. He advised me to take my time. Signing that piece of paper was worse than all the labor pain endured during birth. My mom and I walked out of the judge’s chamber; I looked at her to see tears roll down her face. It broke my heart to see her cry. Year after year would pass by. Without fail, during the week of July 10th I would find myself overwhelmed with depression. On that day I would look up in the sky and whimper, â€Å"Happy birthday my baby boy.† As I grew older I would wonder whether my offspring ever thought about me, whether he would ever try to find and if he did find me would he forgive me. From time to time my family and friends would ask me if I would like to find him. My answer has always been a resounding, â€Å"YES!† However, I would silently speculate about the potential nature of his attitude towards me - would he reject me or would he be thankful that he was never part of my life. My speculation always ended in the same manner- let sleeping dogs lie it would be best that he try to find me when he is ready. In 1998 I gave birth to a beautiful girl, Alexandria Louise. She was the joy of my life. It was simply delightful to know that I could keep her forever. Nevertheless, there was still emptiness, a yearning in my heart for my baby boy that I had given up seventeen years earlier. I married Alexandria’s father, Poncho Rugg, in 2008. The marriage marked another exciting milestone in my journey of life. My husband was thrilled but sad to hear the story about my son. Constantly, he would ask me if I was ready to start the search and consistently, my reply would be no. I always believed that the time was not right and that one day he will look for me but only when the time was right. My personal information was everywhere in cyberspace. I believe that he had an abundance of opportunity to search for me if he was interested. I resigned myself to the hope of him searching for me and finding me one day. It was December 15, 2009. Every Tuesday night was pool night at Paco’s. On this particular Tuesday, my husband decided to accompany me to watch and have a birthday drink with me given that the next day was my birthday. It was my turn to shoot. I was nervous because I was shooting against a top player on the opposite team. I would look at Poncho from time to time and smile. On one occasion, I turned to him but he was on his cell phone. Not

Artificial nutrition and hydration and end of life decision making Term Paper

Artificial nutrition and hydration and end of life decision making - Term Paper Example The Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association (HPNA) emphasized that ANH was originally described as a means to effectively â€Å"provide short-term support for patients who were acutely ill and are often used to provide a bridge to recovery, or to meet therapeutic goals of prolonging life† (Hospice and Palliative Nurse Association (HPNA), 2011, p. 1). The current discourse hereby aims to present crucial ethical concerns or dilemma pertaining to AHN, especially during end of life (EOL) situations using support from evidence based sources. Ethical Concerns In an article written by Brody, et al. (2011), the authors explored controversial issues ranging from allegedly prolonging or sustaining unconscious human life, particularly that which was apparently categorized as patients in permanent vegetative state (PVS); also in terms of determining conformity to patients’ or relatives’ wishes in contrast to health care practitioners’ professional guidelines (Sampso n, Candy, & Jones, 2009). Other ethical issues ensue from the religious beliefs and practices, specifically that which were defined under the early doctrines of the Roman Catholic church, to wit: â€Å"to value above all the ability of medical technology to extend life indefinitely was interpreted by the Church as idolatry† (Drane, 2006; cited in Brody, et al.: The 1950s, 2011, par. 2). This original belief apparently seemed to stem from the perspective that life and death is governed by the Supreme Being or God and that any intervention not considered within the natural course of life was therefore considered not within the Will of God. This belief was apparently changed in recent Catholic teachings which reportedly supported that â€Å"the position currently endorsed by the Church hierarchy stresses life prolongation based on fundamental human dignity. The two most recent Popes have each stated that administration of food and water, artificially or not, constitutes ordinar y care â€Å"in principle;† ANH is to be considered not a medical technology, but rather a â€Å"natural means of preserving life.† Removing ANH is â€Å"euthanasia by omission† because the cause of death would be lack of sustenance rather than the underlying disease† (Brody, et al.:Recent Roman Catholic Teaching, 2011, par. 1). The new teachings support the belief that life should be preseved by all means, as a consistent paradigm towards provision of all methods and possible resources available and accessible to the family members and to the medical practitioners governing the patients’ lives. Concurrently, as expounded by Brody, et al. (2011), a transition in bioethics that acknowledged patients rights to refuse life extending medical care, consistent with patients’ rights and the obligation to allegedly respect patient autonomy has elevated application of ANH to face the following ethical concerns: â€Å"Bioethicists who supported mandat ory ANH offered several arguments: terminating food or fluids made the physician causally responsible for death; the burdens of ANH seemed minor compared to the overriding good of life prolongation; food and fluids represented â€Å"care† at a basic, symbolic level; and in an environment dominated by cost containment, forgoing ANH might lead to the selective elimination of vulnerable patients†

Saturday, August 24, 2019

See instructions below CJ220 wk 5 Research Paper

See instructions below CJ220 wk 5 - Research Paper Example Previously, in the early times of policing, officers were not well paid by their respectful departments. The plea of policing lay in the prospect to benefit from the corruption and gratuities that were presented to the police. During the â€Å"professional period,† ranging from 1920-960, this practice distorted. Through the initiative of police unions and the creation of other civil service transformation, police officers received benefits and better pay. This made some changes in this sector. Police officers who may probably fall into the corruption temptation (especially those on drug details and vice) should be routinely transferred to different beats or assignments. The disadvantage of this measure is that it can demolish the human resource expertise, which has been accrued by specific officers. To avoid this loss, administrators only alter a handful of police officers in specific considerations in each rotation. This department exists to ratify a measure of responsibility and quality control on actions of police officers. The department attains information by civilian review boards, criminal investigation of police officers, and public complaints. The creation of correctly functioning internal affairs unit lessens the frequency hiring of corrupt police personnel. These units are restricted solely by resources at their disposal and by the administrators’ relationships with the police